love wisdoms
At first you think it is heaven, but then you realize that it is just another form of hell.
Zuerst denkst du, du bist im Himmel gelandet, aber dann merkst du, es ist doch nur eine andere Form der Hölle.
Love can hurt, but that´s no reason not to fall in love.
Ja, die Liebe kann auch weh tun, aber das ist kein Grund, sich nicht zu verlieben.
Love is a rare bird, so take good care of it.
Die Liebe ist wie ein seltener Vogel, also behandle sie mit Vorsicht.
am 25/01/2015 von
Sarah |
Love cannot be explained, so simply enjoy it.
Liebe kann man nicht erklären, also sollte man sie einfach genießen.
am 25/01/2015 von
Kevin |
Walking on clouds can be nice, but don´t fall down!
Auf Wolken zu gehen, kann schön sein, aber pass auf, dass du nicht herunter fällst
You asked me, if I love you. - I answered no.
You asked me, if I would fight for me, if you left me - I answered no.
You asked me, if I would cry for you, if you died. - I answered no.
You started crying, turned and went away.
I didn´t even have the chance to tell you,
that I don´t love you, because you are my live.
I wouldn´t fight for you, I would kill for you, if you left me.
And I would´nt cry for you, if you died, I would die for you.
My love for you is like nothing else.
You are the only person, I want to give my heart.
You are everything, that counts in my life.
For me, you are the best thing in the world.
You are more, I´ve ever wanted.
Please, promise me, that you will never forget me,
because I love you.
Nobody makes me as happy as you.
Nobody brings me every day to laugh except you!
And nobody will I love how I love you.
Niemand macht mich so glücklich wie du.
Niemand bringt mich jeden Tag zum Lachen außer du!
Und niemand werde ich so lieben wie dich.
I wish you the best, I wish you nothing less
Than everything you've ever dreamed of
I hope that you find love along the way
But most of all, I wish you'd stay.
am 29/04/2012 Brad Paisley zitiert von
Dienette |
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
am 29/04/2012 Mother Teresa zitiert von
Kev |
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