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englische liebessprüche
If I lost you, I would loose my life to.
am 29/04/2012 von
marti |
Wherever you are, whatever you do, remember this allways: I Love You!
Wo auch immer du bist, was auch immer du machst, erinnere dich immer daran: Ich liebe dich!
am 10/08/2013 von
Sarah |
I know, it´s to late to apologize,
but I want you to know,
that I killed myself, by hurting you.
am 29/04/2012 von
Wayne |
How can I say I love you when I love you more than words can say?
Wie kann ich sagen: "Ich liebe dich" wenn ich dich mehr liebe als Worte beschreiben können?
In a true partnership, the kind worth striving for, the kind worth insisting on, and even, frankly, worth divorcing over, both people try to give as much or even a little more than they get. "Deserves" is not the point. And "owes" is certainly not the point. The pont is to make the other person as happy as we can, because their happiness adds to ours. The point is -- in the right hands, everything that you give, you get.
am 29/04/2012 Amy Bloom zitiert von
Anton |
Love is like the Mount Everest,
nearly impossible to climb,
but priceless, if you reached the top.
am 29/04/2012 von
Pablo |
I came to you, by following my heart,
now, my heart is yours and so are my thoughts.
Don´t love one boy, don´t love two boys, love the boy who loves you!
Liebe nicht einen Jungen, liebe nicht zwei Jungen, liebe den Jungen der dich liebt
The day I will stop loving you, is the day when I close my eyes forever!
Der Tag an dem ich aufhöre dich zu lieben, ist der Tag an dem ich meine Augen für immer schließe!
You asked me, if I love you. - I answered no.
You asked me, if I would fight for me, if you left me - I answered no.
You asked me, if I would cry for you, if you died. - I answered no.
You started crying, turned and went away.
I didn´t even have the chance to tell you,
that I don´t love you, because you are my live.
I wouldn´t fight for you, I would kill for you, if you left me.
And I would´nt cry for you, if you died, I would die for you.
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